February 25, 2013

Green Speak Monday: The Disappearing Packaging

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

A few weeks ago, Cole asked me what happened to the clear packaging on dishwasher soap pods. It disappears. Wouldn't it be nice if other things just disappeared like that.

Then, I stumbled upon a master's thesis project by Pratt Institute Student Aaron Mickelson called The Disappearing Package.

Photo courtesy of Aaron Mickelson.

As soon as I saw the Tide POD redesign, I knew this packaging system would work perfectly. The PODs are all stitched together, and you just unroll and break off one when you need it. Tide wouldn't need to place the PODs in a sealable bag anymore to carry its logo — it would be right on the product.

Michelson calculated all the waste saving to be 1,450 pounds of plastic packaging saved per truck if you used The Disappearing Packaging method. When you consider, 140 billion pounds of packaging ends up in landfills, Michelson's plan saves money and the earth all at the same time. If I was , I would seriously consider a change.

Plus, these designs are beautiful and simple.

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