November 16, 2012

Photo Friday: Battle of Chancellorsville

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Cole checks out the Stonewall Jackson statue commemorating the place of his fatal wound.

Cold has started to settle in around Virginia. The temperature only reaches into the 50s, so we decided to get out and explore a battlefield before the cold kept us away until spring.

We really need to work on visiting all 10 National Geographic claims as the best Civil War fields, but we visited Chancellorsville last weekend instead. While the South won this one, they had a fatal problem, Stonewall Jackson was shot by his own side and died days later as a result. Cole can tell you more about all that history if you are interested. Here is a National Parks Service explanation if you can't find him. I am not a good source on anything war, so I am just going to leave that to the experts today.

Jackson's statue at Chancellorsville.

His last words are inscribed on the pillar.

Two unknown men posed with the boulder soliders originally placed in the location to remember Stonewall Jackson. Cole attempts to look like them.

He looks just like them.

November 20, 2012


nice rock cole

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