April 5, 2013

Photo Friday: Happy Easter

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Happy Easter eggs

Happy Easter!

For Easter this year, we went to church, Cole made some lasagna, we chilled and we dyed eggs. All of the above turned out pretty good, and I have pictures to prove it.

Easter lasagna

Cole researched a recipe and made lasagna for Easter.

Easter lasagna

We had a little overflow issue.

Cole and Brenna Easter eggs

We are quite proud of our Easter egg creations.

Brenna Easter eggs

These are my Easter eggs.

Cole Easter eggs

Woo. Look at Cole's eggs.

Cole egg

KU Easter eggs

Rock Chalk eggs.

Purple eggs

Cole's purple egg.

Swirl egg

One of mine.

My eggs

My eggs all lined up.

Easter egg stickers

In our Easter egg kit, we had some pretty sweet stickers. Bunnies and bikes. Definitely, Easter.

Brenna and eggs

Happy Easter :)

April 9, 2013


eggs were cool and the lasagna looked good nice job cole

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